Safari Cuisine

Carpaccio of Seared Ostrich

Carpaccio of seared ostrich with caramelized button mushrooms, roasted black pepper and minted horseradish creamCarpaccio of seared ostrich with caramelized button mushrooms, roasted black pepper and minted horseradish cream. This recipe for ostrich carpaccio is full of beautiful flavour. The minted horseradish cream and roasted black pepper add a fresh crunch, just the right amount of tartness.

Serves: 12


• 2 fillets of ostrich
• 1 handful of crushed black pepper
• 2 punets mushrooms 
• 4tbsp unrefined sugar
• 4tbsp white wine vinegar
• 1 jar Horseradish cream
• 1 bunch chopped mint
• 1 packet rocket or rucola
• A good drizzle of olive oil
• Sea salt 


1. Season ostrich fillets with the salt and then roll and completely cover in crushed black pepper
2. Sear all sides of fillets for no more than a minute in a hot pan so the fillet is completely caramelized on the outside but still rare in the middle.
3. In a hot pan add the vinegar. Add sugar and dissolve. Boil this mixture till the sugar begins to caramelize.
4. When sugar is golden brown throw in the cleaned mushrooms. Stir until all mushrooms are covered in caramel and set aside
5. With a very sharp knife slice the ostrich fillets into thin slices and place on a plate.
6. Season the ostrich with sea salt and dress in a drizzle of olive oil.
7. Spoon mushrooms over the meat and add the rocket. 
8. Serve with the creamed horseradish to which you have added all the chopped mint.


When adding the mint to the creamed horseradish do so just before serving. This will ensure you get the full impact of the refreshing herb.

Recipe from Safari Cuisine, a book by Andres Bifani